30th trolleybus committee meeting in St. Petersburg

From 22 to 25th of May trolley:motion participated during the 30th trolleybus committee meeting in St. Petersburg. Mr. Wolfgang Backhaus held a keynote speech about the current situation of trolleybusses in the world and also briefly presented the trolley:2.0 project. The speech included the Status Quo (Statistics and country-specific info) and new trends and innovations (in-motion charging, trolley-BRTs, multipurpose charging, automatic wiring, smart trolley grid concepts, etc.)

During the three days themes like the Development and Implementation of IMC Trolleybuses and Ebuses, TBC Administrative Matters and the Trolleybus Industry Report, Latest Projects, Technologies, and Innovations have been discussed. Click on the following link to read more about the speech: Current situation of trolleybus in the world – uitp trolleybus committee St. Petersburg