40th anniversary of trolleybus in Szeged and trolley:2.0 Partner Meeting

All partners from the trolley:2.0 project joined the 40th anniversary of trolleybus conference in Szeged. A historical overview of the beginning of trolleybus transport and evolution during the years was shared with over 100 participants. Furthermore, companies as evopro, LibroDuct, and Skoda talked about the newest developments regarding battery hybrid trolleybus concepts and fully automatic recontacting to the overhead. Mr. Wolfgang Backhaus hold a speech about the trolley2.0 project and SZKT presented the new midi-trolleybus during the event.

On the second day, within the trolley:2.0 project, an internal partner meeting was organized. Discussions during the meeting were helpful to close open points regarding the reports for EME, talk about risks, solve problems and program the next steps.