CE4CE-Circularity Lifecycle in Public Transport

We are thrilled to share with you that last Thursday 7th March within the framework of CE4CE project there was organized a groundbreaking transnational event on the innovative and challenging topic of the adoption of a circular economy think and action in the Public Transport sector.

An online workshop entitled “Circularity Lifecycle in Public Transport” was attended by about 20 PT experts from various backgrounds, including representatives of public transport operators, academia, engineers, technical specialists, traffic engineering managers and energy managers from bus/e-bus, trolleybus, tram, railway and energy sectors.

Participants took an active part and shared their valuable insights how to incorporate circularity principles in PT in moderated, interactive, round table discussions on the whole public transport life cycle grouped in three main areas: Vehicles, Energy and Infrastructure.

With the challenge of the introduction of circular economy into PT sector being quite new but without any doubt inevitable, the event gave all the participants some food for thought how to influence a transformative change and contribute to shaping pathways to more circular public transport systems in Central Europe and beyond in order to achieve climate neutrality and a more sustainable use and consumption of resources. Certainly, Public Transport in particular, is uniquely positioned to lead by example promoting a systemic shift towards sustainability across its entire value cycle, with the lighthouse events like this being a showcase of the forthcoming transition.