Final Trolley:2.0 Online Conference

On 12th and 13th November 2020 the final trolley:2.0 project conference took place online and was organized by trolley:motion and Rupprecht Consult. The interest of the e-bus and trolleybus community was very high and we had 260 registered persons and 170 participants per day from all over the world. We are amazed by the fact that so many people participated in the event and showed a tremendous interest in learning about the current developments around trolleybuses and smart trolley grids.

We greatly appreciate that so many shared opinions and actively contributed to the conference, despite the fact that due to the current pandemic we could not meet in person. We take great interest in this conference as a sign that the international trolleybus community is indeed a very vital one and hope to continue the discussions with all of you, thus contributing our best to the current trolleybus renaissance we are witnessing!

As promised we made available all presentations and videos from the conference at our trolley:motion homepage.

  • You can find the whole material here.
  • Please scroll down until you see „Trolleybuses and E-buses in the press“ on the right side you can find all videos and presentations within the folder „Online conference videos and presentations trolley:2.0 11_12. November 2020“

If you have any questions or inputs please contact Mrs. Katharina Rainer
