New developments of modern trolleybus systems for smart cities

Trolleybus systems provide modern, zero-emission public transport for urban areas,however, lack the flexibility that battery-equipped electric buses provide. In the trolley:2.0 project the advantages of both systems were combined, developing trolleybuses further into hybrid-trolleybuses that allow for the partial off-wire operation
while making more efficient use of the trolleybus catenaries to charge the batteries in-motion. The nine trolley:2.0 partners from public transport, industry, and research aimed to prove that battery-supported trolleybuses are a way forward towards electric public transport systems in European cities by demonstrating the new charging concept in-motion charging (IMC), that allows for the partial off-wire operation of hybrid-trolleybuses in remote sections of the networks. The trolley:2.0 use cases are located in four cities with existing trolleybus systems from different EU countries, Szeged (HU), Arnhem (NL), Gdynia (PL) and Eberswalde (DE). Efficient public transport, flexible
operation and simplified extension of trolleybus networks as well as the combined use of the existing trolley grid infrastructure for further electrification of mobility in cities was
supported by trolley:2.0. The implementation of national and cross-country use cases are the core activities in the EMEurope partner countries NL, DE, HU and PL. The use
case work projects are structured in the following areas:

▪ in-motion charging concepts,
▪ multi-purpose charging infrastructure and innovative energy storage systems
▪ integration of renewable energy solutions.


final development schemes

final broschure