trolley:2.0 was at the EVS in Lyon, France and represented through Mr. Daniel Steiner at [...]
The EMEurope Research and Innovation (R&I) projects Midterm Event took place on 13-14 May 2019 [...]
New infrastructure is not enough; we must also change how we plan, and how we [...]
All partners from the trolley:2.0 project joined the 40th anniversary of trolleybus conference in Szeged. [...]
Seit April ist das IFB – Institut für Bahntechnik Gmbh Mitglied von trolley:motion. Daher freuen [...]
How Trolleybuses and E-Buses Can Provide Solutions for Public Transport In urban areas worldwide, the [...]
Zwischenbericht zum Projekt trolley:2.0 ein Jahr nach Projektstart_ english version below Trolley-Bus-Systeme sind eine moderne [...]
Backhaus löst Steiner ab Wolfgang Backhaus hat an der RWTH Aachen Wirtschaftsgeografie und Soziologie studiert [...]
La quarta giornata italiana del filobus si pone l’obiettivo di proseguire nel percorso virtuoso per [...]
The project trolley:2.0 receives a very good response from the whole E-Mobility Network and partners. [...]